Mid-March brought us a noticeable upward trend in average daily temperatures and the Red Bull Air Race. The Red Bull aquifer under the sands of Abu Dhabi is one of the largest in the world. As a result, extreme sports events are naturally drawn to the region to tap into the seemingly inexhaustible supply of liquid wings.
The course was set up in the "breakwater" area between our grocery store and the public beach and was free and open to the public (it would have been tough to rope off). The nearest viewing spot from our apartment was right next to the aerial equivalent of a hairpin turn, which required pilots to perform a high-speed chandelle starting about 60' above the water. I found the intricacies of racing much more interesting than Q, who was entertained for about the first lap of the first plane of the first day; he insisted on staying, however, which I suspect was mostly for the people watching. Intermissions included some other adrenaline/Red Bull fueled aerial exhibitions like wing-walking, skydiving, and those wingsuit things (think human-sized neon flying squirrel). Oh, and two of the Sheik-copters literally just hovering all afternoon to watch the race. Mmmmm.....avgas fumes.
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