Friday, October 30, 2015

On surrealism, and travelling (relatively) light

So...we made it. Sitting here in our hotel room at the foot of the Abu Dhabi World Trade Center while watching what I'm guessing are contemporary Arabian music videos is eroding some of the nuance from my recollection of our travel day yesterday, but I'll try to recount some anyway. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hello world!

Hello world! We will have actual content in the near future, so stay tuned. Until then, add our URL to your bookmarks or write it on a post-it or ask Siri to save it for you. Do whatever you need to do to make this page easy to find again, because this will be our main portal through which we will share our adventures and possibly some of the more mundane aspects of moving to another country. Complaints about the driving. That sort of thing. Alright then, in a few long days, after 10 hours of driving and 14 hours of flying, we will start this thing for real with a retrospective look at getting rid of most of our belongings and starting over. Here we go...